Rondônia begins the biggest recovery operation of degraded areas in Brazil

Running for almost a year in Rondônia, the Plantar project began a new phase last month. Close to 530 smallholders families that participate in the project received materials for soil correction and recovery area isolation. This year, about 1,000 hectares will be recovered in 12 municipalities. This is the biggest recovery action in small holders in Amazom and Brazil history.
“No one in Brazil has ever done such big recovery operation. To recovery this area, we started a huge mobilization in the beginning of the year. There were hundreds of meetings, discussion with the smallholders, government agencies, partners and project team. We will rest only in February when finish planting. Then we will start all again to plant 1000 more hectares in 2020/2021. Our goal is planting 3000 hectares in three years”, says Alexis Bastos, Rioterra Studies Centre Project Coordinator.
For the delivery logistic of these materials, the project received counties support. In the next phase of the project will occur the distribution of the seedlings, starting in November. This date was chosen because of the beginning of the rainy season in the Amazon region, the best time for smallholders planting.

The project is a pioneer. It’s the first Environmental Regularization Program Project developed in the country. It aims to help smallholders to regularize their lands according to the National Forestry Code. This is part of the Nationally Determined Contributions assumed by Brazil in Paris COP.
All participating smallholders families receive technical assistance and rural extension support to implement crops and management of their properties. The work is based on agroecological practices to improve productivity and reduce the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, always prioritizing organic and natural solutions. These techniques not only reduce production costs but improve household food security issues.
The project
In addition to the recovery of the areas illegally deforested and the properties regularization with environmental liabilities Plantar aims to strengthen social organizations through the creation of spaces, specially designed for smallholders families to improve social participation, implementation of public policies and economic development.
The Plantar Project is executed by Rioterra Studies Centre in cooperation with Ação Ecológica Guaporé – Ecoporé, Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura de Rondônia, Rondônia Environmental Development Agency (SEDAM) and with the financial support of the Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES through the Amazon Fund.
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CES Rioterra is an institution affiliated with the International Amazon Cooperation Agency (AICA).